Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hey it's a Miracle!

So I can't grow anything. I generally kill every plant I have ever owned. Aaron went to his church reunion and brought home a potted chrysanthemum. It was very cute, and I killed it. So now I have found myself two cute little plants. One is a lavender and the other is peppermint! I have them out on my little back porch and I check them every day like a complete nerd! To my surprise, last night when I was out for a smoke I had a little look at my herbs and voila! My peppermint plant is starting to bloom! I am so proud of this small and feeble achievement that I had to post it! Now if I could only figure out how to get the lavender to bloom that would be fantastic!


  1. Congrats! Lavender and peppermint are two of my favs.
    You should try basil. if you put a little used coffee grounds on the soil every once in a while, it makes the plant grow bigger with more fragrant leaves. Go figure. LOL
    Do you plan on using them in your lovely soaps and things?

  2. actually yes i do! I plan on using them in my bath salts! i think it will make them look pretty! that is pretty neat about the coffee grinds, i never would have thought of that. I wonder if it works like compost?

  3. We have so many lavender plants and I never do anything with the flowers. (I know, my bad). Make sure your lavender is hardy in your zone and you should be good to go as long as you don't overwater it.

  4. Looking forward to seeing how you use these plants. Love lavender!

  5. Flowers on the lavender should be along shortly with enough sun......
